The Dangers Of Bleachorexia That You Should Know

Bleachorexia is an unhealthy obsession with whitening one’s teeth. Unfortunately, this term is not unheard of today. Whitening your teeth too often can be really bad for your dental health, especially if you aren’t seeing a cosmetic dentist in Westchester. Teeth whitening has become big business. Americans spend billions on teeth whitening products annually, and […]
Is Having a Gum Lift Really Necessary for Your Oral Health?

If your gums rest too low or too high on your teeth and you are unhappy with your smile, you may be a candidate for gum contouring surgery. Also called gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, this cosmetic dental procedure can even out an uneven gum line and give you a smile you can be proud of. A number of […]
Surprising Foods that are Actually Good for Your Teeth

Everyone has heard of the foods that are bad to your tooth health. Sugary foods and acidic foods are on top of the list of foods to avoid. But instead of thinking negatively about foods, think positively. What foods are good for your teeth? Do any certain foods increase your dental health? Here are some food […]
Little-Known Services that Your Dentists are Providing

People tend to think that dentists only deal with teeth, but what they don’t know is that dentists help their patients’ overall oral health. In this article, we will explore some of the things that dental care professionals have to offer besides taking care of your teeth. Think of the general dentist as the general […]
Getting to Know A New Service Called Holistic Dentistry

When was the last time your dentist recommended eating kale or doing yoga for better oral health? Have they suggested a daily probiotic or a crania-sacral session while you are on the chair? Probably never. But these are exactly the kind of things you might experience at a holistic dental office, sometimes called integrative or […]
How to Get Your Stubborn Husband to Go to the Dentist

Whether the man in your life has an innate fear of the dentist or he just doesn’t deem it important enough to go, you may understandably be frustrated with his lack of attention to his oral health. After all, you know the importance of regular cleanings every six months as well as flossing and brushing […]
What You Should Know About Your Child Losing Baby Teeth

Your little one will eventually lose his baby teeth, which is a milestone in the process of growing up. Fortunately, it is not usually too painful for kids when they lose their baby teeth, but the toothless pictures may embarrass them when they get older. Once a tooth does fall out, however, you need to […]
7 Simple Tricks to Deal with Dental Anxiety of Your Child

Do you have fears or anxieties about seeing a dentist? Maybe your children are anxious about trips to the dentist. Yet you know you and your children should go. Dental check-ups are essential to help prevent tooth decay. You’re not alone. Many people have anxiety about seeing their dentist – even if they’ve only ever had […]
The Correct Way Recommended to Take Care of Your Gums

When it comes to your mouth’s health, it’s not all about how straight your teeth are or how bright your smile is. You can’t forget about your gums! Even if you’re cavity-free and have the pearliest chompers in town, that doesn’t mean you’re immune to gum disease. Since it’s usually painless, most people have no […]
Best Natural Cures for Commonly Found Dental Issues

The natural cure for the dental issue is always preferable besides brushing and flossing. Are you seeking a solution that is not only effective but also will refurbish your oral health? Natural cures are wrapped with astringent properties, antiviral agents that heal the pain at a much faster pace. Are you concerned that your business […]